Here is a giant bigass post with links to all the people I met at Blogher. It was often a blur of meeting people who recognized me because I am recognizable with the purple hair and all. But then I would forget their names unless they had badges on or I already knew them from long conversations from previous years. And then people who I sort of know or felt like I should know better than I actually remember knowing. And already it's been a week since the conference, so I've forgotten what were at the time very cool connections. YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES. (Talking to someone 5 minutes secretly thinking omg who are you who are you i totally know who you are but your hair is different now until it clicks, thank god because I often can't fess up that I don't know.) Sometimes, I was smart, and made a note on the business card of what we talked about and what I intended to do as a result. "email to her Sondra's info" or "damn this guy is pushy" or whatever.
What I really want is for all these fabulous geeky women to come to BarCampBlock in Palo Alto, August 18-19. Come! I'm helping to organize it! Sign up on the wiki, on, on the Facebook group, and/or on EventBrite. Also, I'd like to see them all again at She's Geeky in October, -- Oct 22-23 in Mountain View!
First and perhaps illogically the people I already know. My amazing roommates at the W, SJ of I, Asshole who I have known online since my first days of blogging. And her friend Shauny whose name I only knew peripherally from years of seeing it in SJ's sidebar as her web host and I think blog-mother -- Shauna who is like a rock of sanity and interestingness and I could just wait for the next hilarious sarcastic thing to come out of her mouth. And I love SJ's business card: "Generous Lover + Writer + Dope Bitch / Super Jive at your Service". This year, we refrained from the secret topless photos of last year, but I could not help down-blousing her a couple of times. Someday the world will be properly at her feet. She will be like Molly Ivins, except boozier and dirtier.
Annalee Newitz from Techsploitation and I hung out a lot. We did at SXSWi as well. There's a funny balance at conferences between hanging out with new people and hanging with people you already know who are from your hometown. You want to be around the people you already know, and connect up with them because you don't see them enough. But on the other hand if you do that too much you never meet anyone new! And then I'll go through a process of thinking "Oh well if I want to see Mary then I can just call her the hell up, why don't I?" and vowing to call her when I get back home. But with Annalee, because we know each other so well, it's like being in a warm bath. So when I get overwhelmed by conference or need to process it all with someone super safe, you will find me texting the shit out of Annalee with "Where r u" until we meet up and can hang out and relax. I was super happy she came to BlogHer, and so proud to hear her being smart and articulate as hell at the keynote with Esther Dyson and Rashmi Sinha. Anyway, it's a long way since the days when she would go "Blogging? Why! Full of drama! Just be a professional journalist and get paid!" And she kicks so much ass! And so I was happy to see her see that BlogHer is one of those places you can be all the parts of yourself at once, asskicking, geeky, and human. I really liked what she said about BlogHer; I feel the same way, and this sums it right up.
There were tomboys, mommies, punks, tarts, ladies, bitches, nerds, and girls. There were professional women in suits and perfect hair, and grubby rockabilly gals in tattoos and tight dresses.
Because so many of us were there, we stopped being women and just became humans. This is an incredibly rare experience in the tech industry.
I have three different cards from Mur Lafferty. I am totally going to stick my tentacles into Mur's brain. We could not talk for more than 30 seconds without shrieking "NO! I must see that! Send me the link!" I vote her Person I Most Want to Be New BFF With. I will let her ride my bike, and chop the hair off all my Barbies, and post in my group blogs, and and and. I will also buy a "Mur's Bitch" tshirt and wear it with pride. I wish I had spent more time just following Mur around, and especially with laptops open and the links flying, but the hanging out we did do was so nice it felt like we had known each other forever.

Possibly the nicest down time at the conference, me, Annalee, Barb Dybwad, Mur (whose novel thing you can find at Heaven seasons 1, 2 and 3, Gina, Jason from, Marshall, and then later SJ, Shauna, and Susie. Beer in the sink! Computers at hand (but no good wireless)! Pizza on the floor! Conversation flying! Screaming laughter!
I hung a bit with Beth Kanter, whose blogging I admire and who is just Fun. She laid a whole bunch of stuff on me at my request about blogging and wikis and nonprofits and in fact she has some enormous wiki squirrelled away that explains it ALL. I will link to that and write it up separately when I have spare brain cells. Amusingly... one of her Moo cards was a photo I took of her lying on the floor upskirting me at the FIRST BlogHer. Yes we are very very rowdy when you take 95% of the men away. Women's tech conferences are like a huge frat party but with more giggling and craft projects and light flirting. Just as you always suspected, guys!
I talked a bit (never enough!) with Dave Coustan and I'm linking to him even if it is a link to his benign corporate overlords. He is "extraface" on twitter if you want his personal life. And surely some of you do!
I hung out with my homie and fellow Woolfcamper Jen Scharpen, who works now for BlogHer Ads and for BlogHer itself!
And ended up with a card for Beth Blecherman who I know from meeting the Silicon Valley Moms Blog folks! Jill Asher was at the conference too I think, but I don't remember seeing her. OMG maybe she changed her hair and I *did* talk with her and she's one of the people I should totally know and yet only have met in person twice. I also don't know Beth super well, but always enjoy talking with her!
Deb Roby - I do not have her card on me, but know where to find her! We sat across each other at dinner one night at the W hotel and had a grand old time with the gossip.
Georgia Popplewell from Global Voices and Caribbean Free Radio, someone I'd like to know better, and didn't get that heart to heart talk with, but at some point I know we'll do that! Oh, she's fantastic!
You see the problem with BlogHer. It is full of amazing people to the point to where your head explodes. If you love to talk with smart, clueful geeks and writers, it's like being a kid in a candy shop.
Laurie White of Laurie Writes. We talked at dinner at the W about education and community college teaching and social class. I was trying to recommend the book "A Framework for Understanding Poverty" by Ruby K. Payne to Laurie. This is my reminder to do that! Or maybe she'll vanity-technorati and find this and will make a note of it. Also, you should all buy it and read it. It's a very good explanation of social class and of its hidden rules, and ways to translate culturally between classes.
Karen from Trollbaby/Vodkarella was so much fun at sushi... We and Queen Tureaud aka Erin (whose blog name for her kid is, get this, Queen Peanut Punk as Fuck) and whose writing I also read with interest elsewhere, Anyway my point was we were eating sushi and drinking sake and joking massively about bi-curious mommyblogger dynamics. I know what you are thinking ... when do these blogging chicks NOT talk about sex? I'm not sure but not when I'm around that's for sure. Seriously though, Karen rocks, and I am still very appreciative of the great blog redesign she did for me!
Okay, that is the people I already knew reasonably well, or at least the ones whose cards are right in front of me.
More later of all the other people, but this post is already way too long.
Just one more thing.
SWAG! The best stuff I got at BlogHer was the bags, as usual. The glowing martini glass entertained me for a while. And the AOL memory stick was also nice and made me feel warm and fuzzy, but I left it in a geocache at breakfast yesterday. Tiny hand mirrors and a couple of magnets, also good, and they'll stick around rather than being thrown away. So I am left with some stickers and flyers, and the main tote bag, and the awesome AOL body (?) laptop bag. I don't know what AOL body means, and don't care, but I think kindly of them in a general way now, instead of hating them for the litter of "free online access" CDs that infested the world some years back. The cocktail party food at the Childrens' Museum party rocked. That stuff was delicious!
Someone's missing out big time on the geeky-slogan tshirt selling opportunity, and the fact that everyone wants to mod up and decorate their laptops, and have a fancy unique laptop bag. I also agree with Lisa Williams that if they're going to give us hand lotion, which I like perfectly well by the way, it should have LEDs in it. YES. Just throw some girly shit at us, like laptop bags that look like robotic parts with rivets, AND sparkles, or light up hand lotion with a control panel, or futuristic star trek salt and pepper shakers that also have GPS in them. Ipod cases, etc. We are GEEKS and like gadgets, and little thingies to decorate gadgets, and useful things to put things into, at BlogHer!
I wonder how many tiny cute laptops and iphones Apple would have sold if they had set up something at BlogHer? What do you think?
Tools, also. Tools and gadgets that are cute and portable. I am thinking of how Radio Shack had a table at Maker Faire, and was selling fabulous small toolkits for 10 bucks. I bought one for the trunk of my car. NOW when I am trapped in an earthquake on the highway I will not only have moldering powerbars and boxes of raisins and bandaids! I will also have a full set of wrenches!
Cars were a really good idea too at BlogHer 2006. I bought a car last year, and I hated the process with white hot blinding passion and I had to deal with slobbering sexist jerks at the car dealership.
I'll write more later or tomorrow as this is part 1 of at least 3 posts on BlogHer. Part 2 will be the other people I met. Part 3 will be the panels I was on and that I went to! No wait. I need Part 4 for the Unconference in which I talked about wikis for like 6 hours. That's it, peace, out.
Technorati Tags: blogging, blogher, conferences, women
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