Thursday, August 03, 2006

NCDD Brainjam notes - morning

NCDD BrainJam

chairs in circle
big open room with circle of chairs. around 35 people

Chris - tech n flow intro
kristi - more tech n flow. map.
chris - -schedule plan.
social network. deepen our questions
who considers themselves a technologist?
hand signal for jargon not understanding
tips and tricks.
lunch. world cafe. communities. apply, make real.
raines -video
tags - ncddbrainjam ncdd2006

tree - hearthkeeper
juantia - evocateur - dancer - cafeista
jim - evolutionary moment seeker - facilitator - father
jonathan - curious peace activist wannabe social entrepe
david - passion learning loves his dog
barbara - kids playing collaboration, questions
avis - mom, wife, director
jack b - educator, geeky tool builder, dad
kai? intuitive armbands
ruthanne -vocal moxie searching
beth - flickr tagging
Kristi - gardener blogger nonprofit organizer
min jung - MJ micheif maker blogger opinionator (opinions come from the future and may kill you
rains - cohouser communicator facilitator
dude - healer bodyworker
hal - novelty mediation
andy - ncdd - cat person - cartoonist
vanessa - pssibilities potential naturelover joy creativity connection and intuition
john kelly - aspirational . energizize big picture - meaning - resepct differences
lorettta groove user - appreciative inquiry practitioner - blogger
jay cross - help people learn to learn - happier productive lives - web fanatic - reckless thinker - informal
cliff - liberal windsurfer itdirector
sherry - zen practitioner peace activist - fundraise for nonprofits
justin sammpson - learner programmer - agilist. (handsignal) explains agile programming.
ken - educator teacher interationist holistic literacy - "beyond"

word association tag cloud group exercise.
facilitator/mediator with hal phillips and jim rough. we break the rules!

kai talks about tagging alienationg people. what about reverse tagging?

reverse tagging? I ask about feminism tag

guy says that we want

laura - categories exclude. tagging opens up. clouds expand the meaning associations "feminism" but also "women" or whatever - opens it up.

I like that - it's a way of thought - to fuzzy things up

folksonomy - taxonomies and library subject cataloguing. you put it on. aggregated. some of your tags might disapper.

jay says we dont want polarizing

guy - could someone give eample. i am a luddite.

mj - if you look at my flickr tag cloud you find my friend glenda.
chris - -gives a certain weight to that tag. if other people use it., too.
tag up the ncdd home page.

woman in green - this gives you your own way to make google world.

peace activist woman - what is diff btwn set of tags and tag cluster
chris -
mj - cluster is social
kai - artificially... produced
chris - organically prodeuced thru collaborative effort
woman by door - appreciative of tools, what helps us connect race to face?? to be able to et on line and connect - and yet we pass each other on the street and don't connect n our neborhoods! where does that fit in our whole conversation.

chris -t hat's why we're doin this. to get peoplel out from behind our laptops.
guy - that's the million dollar question

beth - (yell from crowd of blurt!) - menotoring people on internet. software. 300 people. put yourself on map.
liz : is taht Frapper.
beth - yes. me and this other woman discovered we live 2 miles down the road from each other. using the tools and maps there are ways to connect.

raines - i'm shifting from virtual communities to real world communities

chris - virtual/real world
jerry - theory on the table. maybe a bit negative. crisi leads to connections. lazy prosporous self-satisfied. everyone looks at everyohne in crisis. it forces connection. how do we do it without the crisis part?

ken - contexts - invite possibility

chris - wrap up that thouht, we come back to it.

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